Tuesday, August 15, 2006

JOURNAL: August 15, 2006

The delightful weather has continued these last few days. A fresh breeze has been almost constantly blowing, which has made it especially pleasurable to be outside. Regrettably, I have spent most of my time inside (tutoring and working at school), but when I did get out occasionally, I loved the feeling of the cool wind. It was a treat just to walk from one building to another at school. My early morning walk yesterday was an even better treat, since it happened when the temperature was an almost nippy 53 and the clear morning sky was just beginning to lighten with the sun. I paced up and down the steps in the park with confidence, going slowly enough to appreciate the joy of it, but fast enough to feel the muscles in my legs working hard. Afterwards, I enjoyed my cup of coffee and toast with blueberry jelly with special enthusiasm. However, perhaps my best memory of the wonderful weather these past days is of some friends and I walking up Water Street last night after having dinner at a cafe. It was a perfectly beautiful evening, with a sunset disappearing in the sky and the loveliest breeze imaginable blowing. The trees were throwing themselves around as though they were entirely happy with the way things were. As I drove back to Westerly, I felt pretty happy myself.

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