Friday, February 21, 2014


"Stormy", oil,
by John K. Harrell
The universe is full of still, small voices that are stronger, in their special ways, than tornadoes. I’ve known people who could carry the heaviest weights of life and still speak with quietness and courage. Mrs. Coyle was like that, a warmhearted woman with a dependable kind of power in her calm and comforting voice, and old Mr. Euler, when I was a boy, could seemingly reshape his debilitating disease into a victory with his hushed but brave words. Voices can sometimes grow stronger the quieter they get – a teacher suddenly whispering a math secret to his students, a man making his love known in almost silent words. Even windshield wipers can whisper with a strange sort of power, and your car can impressively hum to you on the highway as you drive with your wife to the mall. 

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