Sunday, February 8, 2015


(overheard in New Haven, CT, 2/7/15)
"Light in the Dark", oil.
by Zach Thurmond

She is doing
the best she can.
She carries her worries
as carefully as possible,
and prepares a paradise
for her family each day,
at least as well
as she can,
a quiet home
and wholesome meals
and help with homework.
She is doing
what her dad
taught her to do,
loving with fullness
and truthfulness.
Her ex-husband
hates her, and
heaven sometimes seems
as distant
as the dark sky,
but little things,
like the lovely lamp
by her bed,
help her haul
the load
of her fears.


  1. A new type of poem for you! There's a story here, tied to the two men and her makes me wonder what happened.

    (My guess: her dad taught her a kind of spiritual way of relating to others; her ex-husband felt rejected because his way was more immediate, passionate, physical. The lamp represents her view of the bed--a place of comfort, security, peace--some of which crimes from intellectual activity, as inspired by reading)

  2. A new type of poem for you! There's a story here, tied to the two men and her makes me wonder what happened.

    (My guess: her dad taught her a kind of spiritual way of relating to others; her ex-husband felt rejected because his way was more immediate, passionate, physical. The lamp represents her view of the bed--a place of comfort, security, peace--some of which crimes from intellectual activity, as inspired by reading)
