Tuesday, August 25, 2015


     With so much seeming disorder in the world today, it may seem silly to speak of our universe as being “innocent”, and yet, when I manage to step far enough back to get a bigger picture, it truly seem like the universe does no harm, ever. Yes, there are storms and wars and heartrending losses and disasters of astonishing size, and yet the universe seems always able to stay on its steady, 15-billion-year-old course. There are tragedies, but these tragedies, again and again, seem strangely balanced by triumphs. There’s loss after loss, but the losses are always, in due course, succeeded by offsetting gains. Leaves die and fall in autumn, but fresh life always flourishes in the spring. The universe seems to be a purely innocent and smoothly flowing river of compensation, where every wave and swell has its necessary place, and where “good” and “bad” both disappear in an immense and endless harmony.    

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